Sunday, November 22, 2009

Does she give everyone extra napkins or just me?

On Thursday we went downtown to see The Noise, On Vinyl at The Bug Jar

On Friday Cal spent the day with Anna and Aaron. Cal went to the bathroom at Lux while Anna had a meeting at work.

This is Aaron's fridge.
Anna made stew. It was delicious and organic. Great job.
Then we met up with Josh, Marc and Matt.
We went to Salinger's but Josh forgot his ID. On the way back to get it, Cal and Josh rescued a damsel in distress. Hope you're alright now, Mary.
We said hello to the Walter Palmer, the famous accordion player, and he gave us this photo.
Saturday, we tracked drums for half the songs on the new album. We tracked using the same mixing board that was used to record "I'm Alright," the song from Caddyshack. Yay Kenny Loggins.

Cal's co-worker, Scott, has been working on a song about a girl who works at a drive-thru window since he kicked Cal out of his band. Here are some of his notes. They are subject to copyright.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


First we hung out with Nick Fields.

Then we recorded.
Cal and Josh went shopping with Mike.
Everyone went to Josh's show at the Lovin' Cup.
Then we went to a party at The Noise, On Vinyl's house.
We met Xander
"Who doesn't love Picard?"
"Yeah... I'm a romantic guy."
"Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice, strike three. I literally am a genius. Check this out."
Cal's car.
This was the coolest thing on the way to Anna's House.
This is just as cool as an iPhone.
It was Aaron's Birthday party.
This is our friend Marc.

Marc took the rug with him.